Apache Tear is a kind of obsidian that has similar qualities to Black Obsidian but has a softer effect. It's a volcanic, somewhat spherical vitreous stone usually black or smoky. When held up to the light, it seems opaque at first, but it becomes translucent when held up to the light.
Apache Tears are precious little stones that are said to be formed from the tears shed by women who tragically lost their husbands in battle. They hold the strength and solidarity of a group of women moving through adverse times to continue on as brave mothers and grandmothers of the Earth, despite their grief and loss.
These stones help us use the physical Earth walk to learn important soul lessons, and are sources of ancient spiritual knowledge. Apache Tears provide a strong connection with lessons that are meant to be learnt on Earth, and are strengthening, purifying and grounding, offering protection from all negative and parasitic energies. They help us maintain a positive attitude by understanding the valuable lessons in life’s ups and downs.
Apache Tears have a very strong energy of forgiveness and help us to embrace the understanding that we are spiritual beings in a human incarnation walking the Earth for the purpose of growth and learning. They also connect us to the Faery Folk, Elementals and other energies of the natural world.
Apache Tear is a powerful stone for transformation and progress. It aids in spontaneity, and the dispelling of self-limiting ideas. It is beneficial to one's emotions and emotional equilibrium. It encourages you to cry in times of sadness, especially repressed tears, and it soothes grief. In addition to all of the characteristics often associated with Obsidian in all of its forms, Apache Tears have a particular affinity for the bereaved and grief-stricken. It also has a considerably milder vibration than other Black Obsidian varieties.
Apache Tears have a powerful emotional healing effect.
It's perfect for kids and their more sensitive energies. Negative energy is absorbed, and your energy field is protected. It establishes a strong connection between your root chakra and Mother Earth, offering a steady, anchoring energy. When you need consolation or are mourning, this is an excellent stone to use. Apache tears are volcanic glass spirituals. This stone's energy inspires bravery in confronting danger and adopting a warrior's posture. It also serves as a protective and grounding link to your inner sources and guides.
All gemstones are unique in size, shape and color. What you receive may not be exactly as shown in the photo. the photo is for reference only. When making a purchase online, this gemstone will be specially chosen just for you.